Friday, June 24, 2011

Summer Squash!!

Happy Friday!

Yesterday, I got in a crazy mood for squash and zucchini!! Squash used to be the one vegetable that I could not stand...had something to do with my mom force feeding me salmon and squash and me gaging (needless to say she never made me eat squash again)! But after trying squash again earlier this year and making zucchini bread...I discovered a love for the squash family.

After my run yesterday, I stopped by the grocery store and picked up 2 zucchinis and a squash, which were on sale and my total was only 1.80!! I was relieved because I realized, as I was in line, that all I had was 4 dollars (I went on a run and only brought 5 dollars with me and got a water half way through my run)! The price was amazing and the vegetables were delicious!  I decided to whip up a pasta bowl with sauteed zucchini and squash with balsamic, italian seasoning, salt and pepper and tilapia seasoned with a little cajan seasoning (I like a little kick) and italian seasoning and balsamic!! My pasta bowl was del-ic-ious and made me craving even more zucchini and squash (really I don't know what my taste buds are on right now)!
Pasta Bowl

Being on my squash family kick, I decided to make a frittata this morning.  I've been wanting to switch up by breakfast routine because it has become so predicable...either eggs with sausage or tomato or bacon or a combo of the three! I first sauteed the squash and zucchini with garlic, onion and basil.  I whipped up 2 egg whites and 1 egg.  I then combined the two together and put in the oven at 350 for about 10-15 minutes...and it came out amazing!! I am loving this new experimenting with cooking (I know I'm not going too far out of the box, but baby steps for me work just fine)!!


Well that was quite the long post about squash...promise I won't ramble on about it again but seriously it is in season and you should probably go out and take advantage of the fresh vegetables (cause lord knows I will be)!

Hope everyone has a wonder start of their weekend is July can you believe it?!

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