Today started off as usual with my wonderful (and what some people may think gross ha!) breakfast of egg whites and an english muffin PB&J. I am telling you if you haven't tried it--seriously think about it! However, today isn't a typical day--Little Scout is getting spayed today :/
Breakfast :)
I have been dreading today even before we got Scout (trust me, sometimes I am wayy over prepared--I made this appointment <or the first one that I cancelled> about a month before we even got the pup)! I called around to a lot of different vets and clinics before deciding that the best one would be PetHelpers (not to mention much more affordable, with very friendly and helpful staff).
Pet Helpers Spay/Neuter Clinic
Good Morning Miss Scout :)
She doesn't want to go in...
Last walk with her Dad before going to the Doctor :/
We had an appointment early this morning, which allowed Drew and I to drop her off before heading off to work. She has no idea what is about to happen--ek! but I hope that she will be back to her normal, playful self as quick as possible. I couldn't help but feel so sad for her and strangely nervous too. I am telling you--I never thought that I was an overly caring individual--but I guess things change! Fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly--forgot to mention she is getting 3 shots, nails trimmed, her hernia removed and chipped (told you it's a big day in that little ones life)!
On other news, I have decided that it is finally time to get back into running. I have been taking a hiatus for the past couple of months (ok, few months) and am itching to get back into it. I have been running around 3-6 miles most days, but have not been doing the longer distances that I used to love. I don't know if I just got burnt out from all the mandatory long runs associated with training for marathons or if the winter weather (though it was nicer in March than it has been in June) got me out of the loop--but either way it's finally time for me to put excuses aside and go for it!
It is a perfect time to kick start my new running MO because my dad is coming to visit this weekend :)!! I absolutely love spending time with my dad and am so lucky that he will actually be in Charleston for Father's day! He is the inspiration that got my sister and I hooked on running, the man that convinces me to keep running the long runs on my training schedule, the one that actually provides me my training schedule, the guy who finances my shoes, socks, running gear, and provides unconditional support and advice along the way! My dad really is the best person to talk to and especially when it comes to running :)
Me and Dad (and Lee on the left) at Chicago Marathon :)
With my running in mind--going to finishing up my lunch before heading off to pick up the little one...ek! And going to work on a running schedule to get back into the swing of things (thinking about a half in Asheville in September may be the ticket?!)
Homemade Chicken Salad (my new obsession)
I need to get back into running too. I also took quite a little break! I totally understand being overprotective about pets! I once cried when I dropped one of my dogs off at the groomer!! It seemed like a shady place! When I picked her up, they had shaved ALL of her hair off! Poor thing!